Symptoms of Brain Tumor

brain tumor Symptoms of brain tumor are not the same for all patients suffering from this rare medical condition. Also, some of the symptoms of brain tumor are also experienced by many people who are not suffering the disease. What is brain tumor? Brain tumor is defined as either a malignant or benign growth of tissues in the brain. Brain tumors can be primary or secondary. Primary brain tumors are those that originated from the brain tissues and secondary brain tumors are metastasized cancers which originated from other parts of the body. Symptoms of brain tumor vary depending on the location of the tumor, the size, and the brain tissue involved in the growth. Symptoms of brain tumor does not accurately suggest the disease, diagnosis must be made by a doctor after careful examination of the patient and with the use of several diagnostic exams. Because the brain is the control center of the body, symptoms of brain tumor are systemic and not localized in the head. However, symptoms of brain tumor usually include deterioration of mental and cognitive functions. The common symptoms of brain tumor are:

  • Persistent Headaches that is worse during the morning. If there is an abnormal growth inside the brain, pressure to other parts other than the area affected is most likely. Headache in brain tumor is a lot different from the usual headaches. Brain tumor headache can be described as tension headache or a tightening feeling in the back area of the neck. Headaches tops the list of the symptoms of brain tumor.
  • Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea and vomiting is a symptom always related to a disorder somewher in the head. The brain controls these reflexes, so any damage to its control center like unusual pressure can trigger nausea and vomiting.
  • Seizures. Having seizures suggests that your disease is of serious nature like brain tumors. Among any other symptoms of brain tumor, seizures prompt patients to consult a medical professional. Seizures are effects of abnormal electric activities occurring within the brain due to a disease process.
  • Mental and cognitive deficits. Memory loss, mood and personality changes, decreased ability to handle stress, depression, sensory and receptive aphasia are also notable symptoms of brain tumor.
  • Blurred Vision and unusual eye movements. Damage to the optic nerves and other nerves related to vision is the cause of this symptom. A brain tumor can cause pressure to the nerves of the brain and will cause problems to the organ it controls.
  • Hemiplegias and Paresthesias. The relation of the brain to the two sides of the body is contralateral. It means that if the tumor is located at the left side, hemiplegias or paralysis and paresthesias or numbness will be felt at the right side of the body. These symptoms of brain tumor are also known symptoms of stroke and other brain conditions.

A brain tumor benign or malignant needs professional intervention. Relying on the symptoms of brain tumor will not give you accurate diagnosis and treatment.

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